Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why I stand against Obama, and thus all authority

I don’t stick up for Obama, so I am indeed not his supporter. But then again, i don’t support any president seat, because i feel all presidents are illegit, all laws made anytime during colonialization are illegit, and any act of forcing one sided views down a other persons throat is an act of psychological warfare against the public. There always has been, always will be.. as long as you have a state. It is one of the key ingredients of any oppressive government.. to use propaganda to quell inhabitants within. We truly have no “rights” as long as we exist under a state, for the obvious reason that a state could always take away your rights whenever it feels it necessary to tighten the grip of control on people.
You will never be free under the blindfold of red white and blue, or any state “authority”. Authoritarianism will continue to dominate you wherever you walk around the globe, for most likely there is someone who claims the ground you walk on as their own, or to be within their jurisdiction. You can be in China, Africa, USA, Europe, South America… As long as you are breathing and living, you will be expected to pay taxes and not be too open with your ideas.. The kinds of people who have ideas that can start breaking the foundation of the system are the ideas that completely contest every legitimate so called “authority”, for obvious reasons. Most poor people in the world are also ignorant for the most part, and if you can convince them that they don’t have to live under the oppressive coercion of others, then the pyramid scheme of capitalism would not have the bricks to replace the bottom, and it would collapse on its own weight.
What is left to replace that awful structure is yet to be seen, but i guarantee you that it will take various methods, trial and error, and one day maybe we’ll even envision a somewhat Utopian worldview, if people become educated enough.

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