Friday, February 28, 2020

This is in reply to an Opinion Piece in the New York Times... Sanders never apologized for what other tyrannical govenments have done. Now your just bullshitting.. and you need to be called put. In Russia pre-communism, people literally were slaves. In 1918, a socialist woman attempted to kill Lenin because he closed the door on democratic rule.. That weekend, they reenacted the death penalty law.. and had this lady hung to death. Over the next few years socialists are going to be hunted by a militant fascists red army and will be hung for crowds to see. They killed anarchists, poor men, green army and black army types... and spread lies and propaganda.. cursing the former administration held by Alexander Kerensky. Many socialists fled to exile.. and his system ultimately was rigged for state sponsored fascism. They were violent.. cruel.. disciplinary.. and consolidated power into the hands of a few commissars. Please learn the difference.. You guys may be smart in different departments.. but when it comes to understanding socialism, you are like pea-brains.. who either haven't any understanding of the various ways systems can be designed.. nor any base knowledge in history of the United States early 1900's socialist movements. Chief importance was to break monopolies.. raise wages, and to design an egalitarian structure that would place importance on worker-group ownership of localized businesses. People in America do live that way in some places.. but it is difficult to create legal agreements with many people. The socialism you are referring to.. wasnt socialism at all. Their state model was a consolidation of industry.. whose bosses were the government top hierarchy. They ran it quite efficiently.. because it operated like a corporation with 1 small group of people who decide everything. Not very different from this country... Other thing.. their priorities were based on their fear of losing control and power... so they overinvested into militarization and cared less about their peoples thoughts/concerns. Their effort was to act as if they lived communist.. as that is what some founders truly believed in... except Lenin was a crooked bull.. and argued for violence as a way to get things done... Truthfully familar to Hitler in quite a many ways... except Hitler swore anticommunism.. and used blame against jews and other groups for societies failings. Lenin didnt have to do much.. because the country was starving to death while a war was in play.. The czar was caught in controversy in multiple ways.. and people were fed up with millions of people dead from the cold/hunger/losing the war... that they were to follow anyone who felt rage and bitterness toward their gov. Lenins brother was murdered by the secret police under the former czar's secret police. Lenin kept the same secret police.. and all their methods were migrated throughout all of Russian History... Even still exist to this day under Putin. ____ Stop criticizing things you dont understand... Read.. get the point.. know what you're talking about. Chew your food before you swallow! Sanders is comparable to the great Teddy Roosevelt in the policies he stands for...The fact that you are red baiting... is because you are ignorant to the differences in style of political systems. Hitler was a capitalist too... Does that make all capitalist governments like Hitlers? You have to wake up to the concerns of people.. 50 percent of America rents and cannot own. 600,000 people live on the street tonight homeless. Almost 3 million people are in jail right now. Over 25 million people are addicted to drugs/alcohol. Crime js going up... Pollution is going up... Unemloyment is misreported... Student debt bubble is going to burst.. 50 million people are uninsured.. Nobody from the NYTimes seems to give a shit. BERNIE DOES.. AND HAS BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS STUFF FOR 30 YEARS!!! He doesnt take corporate money... he doesnt bullshit the people. He is the most honest politician since Robert Kennedy. And all you do is smear him. There's a fly on my paper .. Writes a lot of dreams about red scare.. You werent aware of whats what while it was happening.. You still are not. Read read before you pollute our media with your garbage and lies you sell. -- "He’s still making excuses for Castro." Bernie: "I think this literacy program is good" The Media: "Bernie Sanders announces support for communist leader Fidel Castro of Cuba, using his rule as a model for the US" --- By David Brooks Liberalism celebrates certain values: reasonableness, conversation, compassion, tolerance, intellectual humility and optimism. Liberalism is horrified by cruelty. Sanders’s leadership style embodies the populist values, which are different: rage, bitter and relentless polarization, a demand for ideological purity among your friends and incessant hatred for your supposed foes.
This guy is talking about the margin of America that keeps voting for people who mislead them, and never change a damn thing in this country... but talk all day long... and eat off the corporate dime. Lobbyist buffets and special outings.. I have to remind this freak, that those very same people he is thinking of... (reasonable, open to conversation, tolerant, humility, optimistic... That is true... The populist values are indeed that.. But the difference is that you share your values on top of high rises, looking down at all the lowly people.. and all you can imagine is that they are a bunch of hateful, raging, psychos who are calling out for revolution. You are a DUMB FUCKING MAN.
The people that we are of... Those who give a shit about Bernie's policies to work... WE DONT PROMOTE WAR WE ADVOCATE FREE HEALTH INSURANCE, FAMILIAR TO EUROPE WE ADVOCATE A WAY THAT PEOPLE CAN HAVE FREE EDUACTION WE ADVOCATE ANIMAL RIGHTS, and ENVIRONMENTAL CLIMATE CHANGE WE ADVOCATE FOR DIPLOMACY INTERNATIONALLY.. AND CALL TO CEASE SANCTIONS IN MANY COUNTRIES (APOLOGIES ARE ALSO IN ORDER) WE ADVOCATE FOR COMMUNITY ACTIVISM >> LAND REFORM... GIVE LAND AWAY TO POOREST PEOPLE, to build communities WE ADVOCATE FOR PRISON REFORM.... SEGREGATE PRISONS... AND BE FAIR ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS WITHIN PRISONS WE ADVOCATE SOCIETY REARRANGE THEIR MODEL OF OWNERSHIP OF BUSINESS, TO THE LOCAL CITIZENS WHO LIVE NEARER TO THEIR WORKPLACE.... WE advocate that they may own piece of the business... receive a small percentage of the profit, whether or not they work there. If they work there.. they of course reap the benefits, and receive a better fractional percentage. Making banks less or non-important. WE ADVOCATE NO TAXES... instead the state will create money, hedging against the money that already exists... and the figure will amount to a familiar, working and tolerable model that will support institutions that are most necessary, and eliminate institutions that democracy doesn't support. (This dumbass writes)... There is a specter haunting the world — corrosive populisms of right and left. These populisms grow out of real problems but are the wrong answers to them. My answer to you David... is that you are the growth of -do nothing democrats-... who swear that they're everyones friend... take the money from rich people... then vote for or against policies that are considered popular. David: *F.D.R. to Barack Obama knew how to beat back threats from the populist left. They knew how to defend the legitimacy of our system, even while reforming it... Answer: FDR didn't beat down threats from the populist left David... He compromised with communists who swore hell on him if he didn't do something to fix them. And in the early to middle 1930's.. he enacted the New Deal. There is a reason that there is a "deal" You centrists are like stale white bread... You don't fix anything, change anything.. you are weak, moderate scumbags who have a collection tray out there..And rich people who are moderately left or right, fill the empty suits with roles to play. The reason things don't change... Why health care controversy has turned into a right of center policy stance... Is because you DONT change anything... You compromise, and you stall things.. you bullshit the people in masses. (Sanders is running on a $60 trillion spending agenda that would double the size of the federal government) First of all idiot... This is what i realize.. Whatever doctors got paid yesterday, they might make more money... yes.. But the number you're giving is assuming that health care insurance is the way we're going to pay for this. Truth is... Many many people won't see a doctor... cause most people don't have any health problems. There are no premiums for them... they don't get added to the cost of the whole bill. If the plan goes through... People who bilk the system for medicare, and drug prescriptions... They will have to change, within accords of the peoples choosing... Which might mean that America may regulate drug prices, or even nationalize pharma companies. Better in some ways.. because they have been selling opiate drugs in recent years, and are no different than Narco-traffickers.