Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cant get a damn job

This economy may seem terrible now, and because of it, we have to live off of our personal savings. When that is gone, no job = no hope = no change = bum status. Now some people like me weren't given much going into this world.

I had to fend for myself from the age of 5 to 9 years old. My parents were irresponsible and out of control. They could barely control their own lives, so when it came to kids, they were a dismal failure. Unfortunately its a cycle, and most people are trying to climb out of a hole from day one, while some others were way up in the sky.

The only point i'm trying to make is, I was self-sufficient from a young age whenever my parents left me and my sister alone. I knew where to find the food stamps, and made store runs when we had nothing in the house.

All familiar images in my younger age, the cockroaches, the crack viles scattered throughout our school playground. The school gave up on me, putting me in a class that was for the more rowdy students.

Okay anyway, lets fast forward to me now. I am 26 years old, I have two Associates degrees with enough credits equivalent to a bachelors degree. I went to school with financial aid paying in full for my studies.
Over the years i've picked up a lot of skills mostly dealing with computers. I have a knack at Math and programming. When it comes to electronics, i can personally say that i'm extremely intuitive.

What does all this mean exactly?

Absolutely nothing.

When you live in a society that analyzes you like a piece of meat, where you have to be broken down, fill out long applications, and break your ass to appeal to a recruiter/HR manager, then what it says to me is that people need a job more than the Job needs them. In the time we're living in, the hiring and firing of people just goes with the flow of business. If they can't make a reasonable profit from your hard work, then they would rather get rid of you than stay afloat, if it would save them a few bucks.

So whats my problem exactly?

Business is my problem. The exploitation and degrading of humans for the person gain of some person and their obsession with money. Now I can understand that people who are tired of working for the benefit of others want to start owning their own business, they go out there and make a name for themselves, but it's hard to feel sorry for any of these people. When they start hiring people to do the work for them, they become the boss/oppressor/lord etc.

We humans have the brainpower to think about extraordinary things and put things into action. We have beautiful buildings, we're deeply artistic (some more than others), and we love to dream (even let some others do some of our dreaming for us, from TV and games and such).

Now if we have this gift, why do we put ourselves in the robot position? Why do we settle for less when we can provide so much more. If our ideas could overflow beyond the suppressive reality which we are exposed to, could we not fly? Could we not all share our passions and hobbies amongst ourselves for most of our lives, stress free, without the worry of a work assignment to which we are trapped?

Yes we could. Ok, hard work is good for all of us, but why work so hard when machines can do most of it for you? Why sink ourselves to the levels of automatons when there are other options? Now you're going to tell me there are no options, right? Well i'll tell you that the idea of another option, if inherent in the majority of the population, is just the spark we need for it. The current system we are forced into has no will to let us start the flame, using all of its propaganda and hyperboles to fix us in a detrimental form of existence.
How does it feel to be a piece of meat that drowns itself in rhetoric from over 250 years ago, but cannot adhere to most of its principles when law is enforced. The law is an atrocious system of state oppression, for the state is responsible for maintaining an imbalance of rich and poor. Ask yourself; how often do we see rich people go to jail for anything? How often do poor people have to plead guilty to a crime they didn't commit, because the plea bargain deal is too good an offer than the penalty of taking up the courts time to fight your case. You cannot get more unfair than that.

I will admit, not proudly, that I am still poor. The mentality of desperate poverty still lingers inside me, and despite my family setting, I have never had more than $5,000 in my whole life. I usually have about $1,000 on average, and insurance usually takes their helping when I can't get a job to dig out of this hole. I have aspirations of being a great person, but i don't believe that money will give me the satisfaction that i'm looking for. I feel much happier seeing rich people go broke than if I got a $500 check in the mail.

When people horde their money, walk on red carpets and drive in limousines while children are fighting over a piece of bread, the appalling idea haunts me. My main goal in life is not to punish the rich, but rather to make life easier for everyone. If rich people will insist they need to have the illusion of wealth, then let them live in a region which will cater to their every needs. If they need to control, then let them control on a small scale. In today's world, we let them dominate us, abuse us with their money, in which there are mercenaries and hitmen out there that will sacrifice their souls for money. Women who give up their dignity to let their bodies be abused by men for money. Drugs is rampant because money controls it, and simply because of the penalty, those who operate in the shadows put higher demands on the willing buyers to make it a lucrative business. Stiffer penalties only exacerbate the controversy and price. That is one example of how people cannot control the corrupt nature of the drug game. For many, though the penalties still exist, they've given up trying to put an end to it. In fact, the government decided to expand their prison system for profit incentive, unknown by most of the public, you can actually purchase prison stocks which are very successful on the public trading of NYSE/NASDAQ. They pay these prisoners the equivalent of third world labor wages to make all kinds of stuff that most people don't want to do at a job.

All comes back to, why can't we work? We can't work because society no longer makes its decisions for itself, has let wealthy people decide who can and can't work. If nobody hires you, ways of life get scrambled, some people hit the pipe and some people give up on life. Why don't people convene together and at least attempt to pursue a different way of life? The idea hasn't rang anyones' bells because it hasn't been done in about 233 years.

Not to suggest that we adhere to a constitution, but we have the wisdom of 233 years of accumulated philosophies since the 'forefathers', it is understandable that a better life can be construed with anarchistic sentiment and focus on all the achievements of man, and the promise that we will propel ourselves faster without the limitations in which the state and its wealthy subjects have locked us into.

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