Saturday, February 28, 2009

My recent letter to James David Manning, Pastorial doctor of Atlah Missionary Church in Harlem

Hi pastor,

missed you the past couple days.. i'm an avid listener to you, and have been for over a year now. Caught you on the daily show a few days back, and lots of my friends rep you hard.

But you need to understand something.. they dont rep you because they agree with what you're saying.. they rep you because you get really emotional and believe in what you're saying and you convey your message in an entertaining and empathetic way, with a twist of seriousness, so we all know you believe in what you're talking about.

Some of my friends from Far Rockaway actually went up to visit you once at Atlah. At that time they noticed there was lots of security. Pastor Manning, i think you're a little too paranoid.. i don't think people who disagree with you are going out of their way to get at you.

As per your messages, i find what you say about Obama to be quite comical to say the least... and i wouldn't encourage you to do it any other way... however...

I would say your conservative viewpoints are a bit extreme and your warnings and fears which extreme right wing people take for granted, are quite distasteful. This idea that socialism is the ultimate enemy, and anyone who wants to see the failure of the banking system or the change of American structure, is somehow related with communism and anti-americanism.. frankly is going too far.

I am not a fan of state-communism, police, politicians, or anyone who wants to remove the freedoms from people, in the name of corporations and propaganda.
I will not say that i can support any government that has their hands out to elite corporate aristocracy, ready and able to use whatever means necessary to gain an edge against the working class people in this country. The working class has no choice but to accept the system that they live under, and they haven't the choice to decide what is good for themselves, let alone for the whole country. Lets be realistic here, if true direct democracy was to gain popularity.. that is to say, if people were instead able to vote on issues (instead of a wealthy lawyer with interest whose interest lacks their own), then they might ruin themselves in the short term. They would ruin themselves, not because they haven't the slightest clue of how government should be governed in their own interest, but because they were always kept in the shadows, letting media officials do the thinking for them, and never had the ability to practice true democracy. In the long run however, direct democracy might learn from its wrongdoings what exactly policy should be, and could reform their system on a regular basis when things go south.

I believe in this direct democracy... but I believe even so, this is not even the way i'd like to see life in the distant future. I'd like to see an enlightened society, where communities govern themselves, where people not only could, but are encouraged to take part in their own self-governance...which should be kept at a minimal criteria of importance. I want to envision a world where, robotics serves humans in routine job tasks which takes the place of low paying, labor intensive jobs.
I want to see a society where money does not exist, where 'gift economies' flourish, and the importance of a human being is based on how much they do for their community, involved in many education groups, teaching, ingenius technological R&D programs, and philosophical practice. The value of a human being is only as important of how much they could accomplish and do for others...
( while in todays society, the value of a human being is how much money they have, how many people they have working under them, how much land they can acquire legally or steal, and high short term gains, how much economic and international influence they have in distant countries where they have establish themselves by war or keynesian debt economics or neo-liberal reform)

Don't you think that people in the distant future should be able to look at this time, and wonder what was wrong with these people? Why weren't any intelligent people arguing for a more enlightened way of doing things? Why were they looking for answers from a bible and callings from god, while they broke every commandment and lived lavishly while people starve?

Pastor Manning, i know you are a man of good deeds.. that is why i don't have any judgments against you while you proudly wave your flag and support this system. But don't you ever dream of alternatives? Could this be the only way of doing things? Are the values you take for granted so set in stone that there is no room for a new way of life? I know you have helped people get through hardships, so you're alright in anyones book... but don't you ever consider who you're working for? I really believe that you are a man who can be very influencial, especially now, but I belive you're siding with another enemy, simply because you hate this Obama fella. I don't hate Obama, i don't like him, and i don't like democrats. But because i don't like democrats doesn't mean i would side with republicans... they're even worse in my opinion. They want to see this nation continue the way its been going for 100 years.. practicing wage-slavery while corporations and fat cats enjoy their 8-10 homes, while poverty stricken neighborhoods suffer in their own ignorance, incapable of prospering because they haven't the education or determination.

There is another thing i wanted to tell you about. You very often charge black people in particular with destroying themselves, much because of their own culture in music, violence, pride in ignorance and putting themselves into debt every chance they get. I agree with you that there are these facts that many black people, which pertains to poor whites, do the most horrific things, impregnating babies and walking away, such and such. I'll even grant you that they blame the 'white man' system for making them do it. But i have to tell you something about this... It isn't the white man system, it is the system in general. In this country, since a republican by the name of Rutherford B. Hayes took office, the south has not only given up on black people, but beaten them into wage-servitude, in which they become indentured servants, their families thereafter have no way of owning property or educating themselves. Ever since, black people in general have been many steps behind, not being able to save money or own businesses, fend for themselves so to speak. Why, it wasn't until the '60s until they even started to vote or speak out against the oppressor man. We're not too far down the line... well that might have been over 40 years ago since civil rights was enacted... but still, you see cases of police abuse coming from every urban setting, racial profiling, etc. Since it is the job of police to protect property, that being their main concern.. and since black people generally own very little to no property, black people are always on watch, rightfully so, since there had never been any serious power compensation. Sure, there may be small groups of elite black people who hold some kind of power, but usually it is divided amongst themselves.. they get to turn against the ideals of their own people and culture to support ideals held by white people with the answer for how to deal with the situation.

Its an old problem, but the end result... black people generally own very little, as do poor whites. They have very little to no political power, they rarely get any decent quality education. They are born into a culture where those who inherit money get to tell people with money what to do, and they know how their parents suffered, each and every black family has a story with mental scars. So it is not surprising when you see black people react violently or ignorantly... there simply is very little hope in maintaining or empowering oneself.. and it goes for poor whites as well. When you have no capital to start with, and you work your whole life trying to get out of debt that you shouldn't be in, in the first place, then your kids become disgruntled and the system has no sympathy or alternatives to offer, where education is thrown out the window... then it becomes class war. The problem is, these kids are handed ignorant music, drugs, alcohol, guns, and an idea where getting money fast will change their depressed situation.. then they go out and do stupid things that put them in jail.

Its a reoccuring cycle, and while the government and corporate aristocracy might have a few empathizers, the majority of Americans are selfish and only worry about their own empowerment. There is no end but to the cell or to hell... so why would you beat these people down for acting haphazardly.

You need to get your priorities straight, don't support the media, don't support conservatives, don't support anything the system has to offer... because it is only a means to an end. I sincerely hope you take my words seriously, and critically think how our lives could be different if we were to start out with a clean slate, with a fresh start and cancel out our preconcieved notions and history of political systems offer on any significant matter of how a new world should be constructed.

This 2012 elect movement is nothing but a joke.. There should be a movement to cling to, one without money, one where everyone can get involved, one where violence or arguments against our present way of doing things have no strongholds. We have the technology.. we have alternative energies, we have education on every significant way to build a social structure to build housing, farming, devices, maglev transportation, robots to create almost anything.... We have it all. We shouldn't be wasting our time trying to support a system which hinders our growth and defends incompentent people like Obama,bush, and every other polilitician who makes promises they can't keep, strangling the poor, and throwing them a bone every 8 years.

I would like to hear from you Pastor Manning.

Thank you,

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