Saturday, December 6, 2008

I was insane when i wrote this in early 2004

Everything Happens For a Reason

And for whatever reason we feel that those reasons are wrong, it is not true. Everything happens to everyone for a reason. As we are motion, down to the smallest particle, it is this motion that we call time. Einstein was right when he discovered this, and he knew the laws of nature, like he knew there was a god. IN FACT, if he didn't believe there was a god, he wouldn't have ever concluded this. It takes a holy man to be a brilliant man. If for whatever reason you are brilliant, and unholy, you will notice a few things about yourself that you'd never know before. For one thing, you'll notice that you are not really brilliant at all. Most of the things you know are copied into your mind from someone elses ideas. When you are young, your mind is uncorrupted, and it is easier to learn these ideas, such as language. Take time for instance, to realize this.


If you are a student. I ask you now. Follow your heart. Look at that paper that the words are written on. Don't look at the words. Just realize that the paper is immaterial existence. That means, only you and the paper exist. Put it into your mind, that there are ideas written on this paper. Some of the ideas may be true, and some false. When you find a nice quiet place to study, see in your mind, only you and the paper. Everything else on your mind is just confusion trying to erupt you. Now enpicture into your mind that words are not anything other than pieces of material that you need to collect. You need to scoop up these words, and as you do, picture the image the words represent, and not the logic of the way they're put together. For myself to find god, this was just one of the many things I needed to do. Now if you're confused, try again. The world around you is fake, and only your spirit is real. Your spirit never forgets, but if you let your physical world take control of you, then this will not work correctly. These words are mere objects written on paper, and the sooner you understand this, the sooner more of these words will come as clear to you, as they are to me. As you continue this method of study, know that there are a lot of liars out there. These liars throw at you whatever ideas consume them, and they like to grease up their opinions as to make themselves look better than who they actually are. Instead, they know that all they're doing is belittling those who don't possess the knowledge of most words to understand such literature. If you are one of these people, I ask you to have love for yourself, and think from the complex words you like to use, and write more simpler and honest for now on. Only then, will you truly know why I say these things.


Look for the most hopeless people on the street. Look at the money that you're given. Know that it is only paper, and those who control this paper will always control you and everyone else. To love others is more important than anything we have left. The most hopeless spirits, have been tormented by the ways of the world. They grew up pure, and everywhere they looked, they were in chains. Now mayor Bloomberg may have told you that we should put homeless people on a cruise, as you will discover as you read, but if it were up to me, each and every homeless person is our best friend. They ask for money, because they know the ways of the world, and don't want to be in it. All they truly need is food, clothes, and shelter. For you to deny them this, because you would rather go out and put toxins in your bodies, you are only feeding the hand of the devil with cigarettes,beer,drugs, and other things. But even that is denied to them from you who does not love them. I ask you to put your thoughts away in your pocket, and the next time you dig into your pocket... I'd like you feel that paper that you pull out of it. Feel it in your hand, and rub it around a little. Do not look at it. Just know that it is just paper. The same paper you use to cleanse yourself of the toxins that pour out of your body. So when you realize to yourself, which it may take a while to do, know that these homeless people are your friends. That the paper that which you read, may show you that a man was killed for giving money to a poor man recently, but they do not tell you how the devil had to do with that crime. Learn to reject what you see on the News, and only know for yourself what you see in your hearts. I know you will progress.

For those who are homeless

No one understands you like me. I chose for myself, to try to live like you for a while. But god had other plans. As I hit rock bottom, not caring who or what gave me money, I realized that money is not important. It is the resources that you collect, it is the matter for which you consume to sustain your physical existence. You've been told all your life that homeless people are bums. You have been told that learning to survive off of shelter is wrong, and that everyone with a good job is right. Know that they are wrong, and you are right. I love you more than you can ever know, because you are still uncorrupted in some ways, by the ways of the world. If you have tried and failed at every desperate attempt to succeed, know that it happened for a reason. I myself am not anything more than a man, like you. Except, I know more now, and I haven't known what i knew all my life. But i'm only beginning to learn new things every day. Each day that goes by in the days to come, you will realize the unimportance of money. You will see how much more those around you, will love you more. If i've been put on this planet for any reason, it was only to wake up one day and help you and everyone around you. We have to start from the bottom up, not top to bottom. The wealthy are trained to be corrupted in the ways they are, but they will learn soon, that they are not nearly as special as you.

For those who copy my words

Know that my words are a love virus. They are going to help us get our message throughout the world. To help everyone know that God exists, and to help them KNOW, that we must protect ourselves from evil. Malcolm X was right in one thing. By any means necessary! This is because he loved other people so much, and only wanted to see them succeed. He didn't have the answers, but before he died, his hate was dying too. He learned to love everyone, and he preached brotherly love. He knew that he was going to die young, and the same day he died, he knew it was going to happen. He didn't tell anyone, but for those who knew him, they will tell you that the impression they received from him was, that his time was done. I read this man's life well, and know that his hatred for spirits he saw as white people, was never really hatred at all. He was given the many words to speak when he was in the Nation of Islam. When he finally didn't want to lie anymore, he went to Africa and explored the ways of the world besides his own. What he saw of course, was that holy spirits are everywhere. Most of them exist all over the world, scattered amongst the people we call poor. They live their lives humble, and honest, and they are only loved more because of it. It is now our calling to embrace these people. If the borders shall close and tighten, know that the devil is using his trickery to keep it that way. I ask you to please please, let your spirits guide you. If you are ignorant to my words, then you will never truly know how to walk in peace on Earth. If you do not want peace with others, then you must find a way to convince yourself that the peace is within you, and that you just have to shuvel away the hate, and you will reach it. Its the love that encompasses us all. We will succeed as we work together. I also must tell those who know me, do not reveal me. That will be between you and me on a spiritual level. I ask everyone to copy my words around everywhere, so that Mr. Anonymity will become a household name, spoken of with love and understanding. If any other emotions consume you, it will be because evil spirits surround you. Know this. Trust me, and the more you know about this, you can ask for an angel to battle the evil spirits. In time, you will learn how much love you actually have within you. And God is that love, and you will be god, and use his angelic forces as you see fit.

-Mr. Anonymity

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