Friday, December 26, 2008

A letter i wrote to obama's website

Here is a little something i wrote for's vision section.

My vision for the country deals with competing with other countries on every level. I personally feel that anarchism isn't for the whole country, but that there should be some space reserved for anarchist inhabitants who can live similarly to the ways of the native americans with a little twist of modernization. Anarchists are inventors, they fend for themselves, live off the land and they don't create imagined monetary credits for motivation. Their motivation is instead one of competing with neighbors to outperform others, while also working with them to create the very best the mind has to offer. Since anarchism doesn't have a place in American cities, its an idea that should be nourished for what it offers. It hasn't been given the chance because the government doesn't allow communities to form for power reasons... but i feel in the years to come, it should be encouraged to governments that anarchists should be allowed to exist and establish themselves in small numbers in small communities with able resources to begin.

When it comes to America, i feel that the less the government helps out corporations and banking systems, the easier it will be for the average man to find a new way of doing things for themselves which has more to do with personal savings, to manage to buy a house without anyone getting a cut of the action.
The credit card and banking institutions are known for burning people and ruining peoples ability to reform their financial situation for years.. they are more of an enemy to the working class than they are an ally, and the govenrment shouldn't be using peoples tax-payer dollars to support them. My vision is to see the end of these billion dollar companies.

My vision for America, when dealing with lower-skilled workers, unemployed or even homeless people, is to establish government funded apartment complexes, freely available to all who wish to participate. The apartment complexes will have the very basics for people who don't have a job and aren't looking for one. People still need to live, and it will be a place that shelters the needy.

As people graduate to become low-skilled workers, they will start to be able to expand their living quarters (the architecture being able to acquire special amenities for the apartment, as well as customized flexible spacing options. They also will have the option for storage facility spacing for low-skilled worker status. Along with the low-skilled worker status will be an opportunity for them to invest in their own advancement. If they decide to do so, they could invest their time and maybe a small amount of money (with eligible tax write off) so they could become better skilled workers with guarantee middle-upper class status pay, which will be open to a wide variety of specialized industries provided by government contracts.
Obviously upper-middle class earnings potential will give them the ability to own their own home privately, or if they prefer the government housing community, they could make specialized and sophisticated housing for people in this category.

This sounds rather communistic in some ways, but i figure humans are social creatures who ALL deserve some respect to live like human beings. If someone cannot afford to own or rent, they shouldn't be abandoned by humanity, that is just not what society is meant for. It is what it has become, but that could change. It just takes more structure, more caring, a better and more sophisticated way of doing things. Obama's victory for the presidency had inspired many, and for some people, there are no bounds for opportunity.

I see green algae energy plants becoming our solution for both getting rid of Co2 emmisions and providing us a hybrid solution for cars which will take us into the 21st century where we belong. We need to make this century ours, and our dependency on the past needs to be cut like an umbilical cord, giving birth to a new life. We need to stay focus, nurture our progress with worldclass education, free healthcare for all, and sharp directive for establishing government funded employment throughout the United States. Jobs to be available throughout, showing that Private billion dollar corporations have no business calling themselves free market capitalists, and giving the little guy a chance the chance to become a key player at industry. Their days for pointing their fingers at anything that gets in their way, communists or fascist, is completely over. They realize that people and their decision-making are their clear enemies, and if they cannot control them, and instill propaganda.. then they (the corporations) are finished. Their contributions to corrupt gov officials cannot battle a boycott which would cut their life supply. People need to reclaim their power over politicians and judicial systems. I feel the road ahead requires swift action for people to take back their power rightfully earned from the founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin both insisted that revolution is healthy every decade or so, and it was established that when tyrannical governments establish themselves to disallow people from making their own decisions, that democracy burns away into ashes, and what becomes of the system is redesigned by very private and secret institutions, those types most likely to benefit from tyrannical members in power.

It is not my will to see a revolution. Instead to shine light on the ideals this country stands for from its establishment, to use common sense to repeal many laws, to insert new laws for abolishing corporate funded lobbyists, and to provide people another outlook on how to work towards utopian ideals. The established wealthy class will have to invest in their own country once again and have faith that people will do the right thing, unlike the many unethical acts taken by them against their lower-class-men. The goal here is to create a symbiotic relationship. There are opportunities to work together, and that brings out the best of human nature.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

On cops...

The following is a part of a comment i threw at a message board, i felt it deserved a place in my blog.

I cant deny this either.. That if you do live on the streets of NY, and you see these fuggin suited up NYPD all over the place claiming your streets as their territory.. that it kills something inside you, as an urban youth.. and the treatment grows a never ending hatred for these fuggin pigs. You live too long with them around, you will definitely get pleasure in taking them out.. and the street-people will love you for it. Look atcha boy Larry Davis from the 80's, busted back shots at the intruding police. Most people just let cops deteriorate communities, and incite fear in all the communities, letting certain communities sell drugs, enough not to squeeze on them too quick, but catchin your busts in time intervals so you could breed more dealers and make it look like ur doin something good for the communities. Its a very detailed, private understanding the cops have with their bosses, and you dont really gotta be on the streets to know why they do what they do.

*Lemme use an analogy here.. Imagine you were growing animals on a farm, and you get paid mad dollars for the meat you can come up with... You have to let them have time to breed and give birth, and then let them swell up to a monstrous size before you chop them up*... its the same with police... They wanna take out a guy for possession of an ounce or more, but usually dont try to kill the supplier, cause if they do that too often, then the streets will be too dry and they will have to come up with more reasons they deserve a paycheck. Its an atrocity in the city, and if people bust back, in my mind they have every right to do so. The prosecutors are even worst than cops.. If the urban youth really wanted to put an end to their sadistic game, they would be lookin into the info and whereabouts of prosecutors, and teach them and the justice system a lil somethin about street justice. Like i said before, law is just an imagined system of beliefs of a certain class of people. Law applies to you only when you get caught doing something that offends, (usually a well-to-do person). The only crime that warrants serious action is if someone wyles out and rapes and murders random INNOCENT people on a whim (and i do emphasize innocent, cause if there was beef for justifiable reason, then its not murder). That demands brutal torture from the streets. You give these maniacs too much leeway when they get caught.. thats why they continue to engage in their pleasurable killing sprees. If they knew they were gonna have their teeth plucked out with pliers and then shuv a hot coal in their bleeding mouth, i dont think they'd wanna deal with the type of punishment they are to endure. There'd be such a torture campaign against them if the streets had anything to say about it.. and there'd be less murders and rapists as the result of it.

As far as im concerned, anyone who mirks a cop who draws their gun on you, is a hero. Thats one dead villain. The junky does it because he done lost his mind.. but only a true patron goon would take them out before they take you out.. and for NYPD (and im sure this goes for most big city police).. "the only good cop is a dead cop" and thats a saying that only street people can understand.. the imprint of police brutality is instilled in the minds of the streets. Fuck the NYPD, fuck their laws, they dont exist.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just a brief philosphy of mine

Well, i have to say that i like to distance myself from the human perceptive glance, and i notice that for the most part, people are generally kind-hearted. The downfall in people is their selfishness, greed, and uncaring when it comes to the unpopular oppressed to whom they are unfamiliar. I find that the best of humanity resides in places like couchsurfing, who think nothing of welcoming strangers. I find that there are less caring people in the world, for all it would take, is 30-40 percent of the world to care enough to solve the worlds' problems. Ah but propaganda is a lovely tool of the state, and if it is their will to dehumanize, they will use negative words to describe the populace who they deem enemy, and their population will ignorantly behave and bend toward the will of the state without even knowing they are doing so. It is to my saddened prediction, that the ignorant populace of the world are going to be forced to deal with wake-up calls like 9-11 on a more frequent basis in the years to come, and my other feeling is that nuclear catastrophe lies dormant, waiting for the appropriate time for destruction of an indeterminate amount of people. The U.S. among the countries trying to swing their stick at little countries like Iran for brewing nuclear science should themselves be practicing what they're preaching, and dismantling their nuclear capability for good. Apparently they won't, because they're the model hypocrite for the world, and a model which is becoming an international humility for the rest of the world to see. I examine the arts of the American people, the many great ideas which flourish, and i see greatness in so many aspects of culture... but for as many cultural achievements, the flaws of so many aspects of American life will slap any objective observer in the face with reality. The faults of military, the crimes in society, the failing justice system, the never-ending drug trade (the only answers to which are extensive kidnappings of the urban entrepreneur, whose life in a cage amounts to nothing but learning the arts of criminal mischief), the corrupt politicians, the corporations.. need i go on? I don't take a leftist approach to the way i look at things.. i take a human approach. If any political party had the answers, there'd be noticeable change. Some people seek religion as their escape from reality, perhaps that is their downfall. I believe fighting for freedom from state imposed propaganda and unjustified laws, is the only answer. I feel America may be too far gone from becoming a respectable player in worldly events. They seem to make trouble with little countries at every opportunity, and insist things be done by their standards (or else). Its getting old, its getting played out. Change won't come with Obama, change comes only with independence from idiocy.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Reflection on my insane writings of 2004

I am going over some of the writings of mine in 2004. I have come a long way. A few things i've come to realize, was that living in poverty will break you tremendously. When society offers no job, they also emotionally scar you and weaken your spirit.

At first, my determination led me to extreme resentment for the government... but i realize now that it is more than that. The government is only part of the reason i turned out the way i did. It is true that money is the ultimate evil, but it takes time to understand why. Money corrupts peoples' perspective on value. Eventually a persons worth is entirely analyzed by means of what they could do to earn the oppressor some more money. You yourself must realize that when you look at objects, and determine the value on them, you eventually will lose sight on the value of human life if you become rooted in this system. When you're extremely poor, like i was, then nothing is worth money. You become desperate for a job, and when it becomes realized that nobody will hire you, depression follows. Depression will lead to mood swings, mood swings will lead to mental instability, and that eventually will lead you to turning to god for help. After time, you plead with god for guidance, and your own mind makes up a series of moral obligations to reach a more enlightened path. If you're a writer like I am, and you feel the need to express the toughness that is life, you will spill out many words and feelings, and what becomes of it includes various guidelines of morality, lots of blame, and resentment.

Now i'm not going to knock all my thoughts... I had some good ideas. Some of them even helped shape my outlook on life in the current, though much of the spiritual gist I have abandoned. When i was under this path of mysticism, I have to admit, there were unexplainable events which took place which any person wouldn't believe. I remember once, there was a cat which came up to me and started staring at me and meowing.. and when i started walking, it followed and it felt as if it was trying to tell me something. I was quite paranoid at this point, so i felt it meant something divine. That might not seem so strange to you, but how about this. I was on the greyhound heading from St. Louis to NY, and met this brotha. Now let me set the premise... At this point i had this delusion that i could think of a certain spirit of whom could become alive in another person by thinking of them. This person was quite friendly, but when i started to think of spirits, he acted very differently every time i mentioned them, talking as they would talk at each persona switch. Then i did something interesting, there was a woman who only spoke spanish, and with a thought of it, i wanted to see if i could get him to speak spanish and her to speak english, such as to flip their souls around for a minute... at that moment she began to speak english, and he, spanish. At that point, she didn't speak spanish and he didn't speak english, it was precisely as i was thinking. I was kind of scared at this point, because it confirmed my suspicions that I was actually playing around with spirits at my will. We both actually had a conversation on the idea of real magick, and both concluded that it is rooted in the color spectrum, and that the colors had more meaning in life than which met the eye of the perceived. Anyway, we stop talking eventually because i was playing around with souls too often...and he was getting tired of it. Later on i remember looking at my digital watch that i had on my hand, imagined if it disappeared, and to my extreme disbelief, even to this day.. i will swear on my soul that the watch itself disappeared before my very eyes. I was very scared here, and maybe about an hour later I got off the bus in the middle of the night in the middle of Ohio, completely unstable. I know the state of my mind was quite skewed, but I remember what i witnessed, and it left a deep memory on me that will be remembered for the rest of my life. I rarely mention to people what happened, and whenever i do, nobody believes me. They tell me that i was under serious mental stress and that its likely that my own mind made it up... but i remember it vividly and for whatever reason it happened, it surely was a message to me that there is much more to life than what meets our sane minds with reason. There were other times which are unexplainable via rational thought, but i will not go into that.

I will say that it took me about 6 months to maintain a stable mind again, but it only occurred when i left the place of poverty and moved in with the folks again. My improvement came with time and determination, but not medication. They gave me medication for a while, but it didn't work. The only thing that worked was confidence and hope. Eventually i went back to school after some time working. Everything is going to plan so far, even making some extra money online while i'm out of work in this recession. I am quite good at resolving conflict via my chess skills and determination. It seems that I am heading in the right direction now, and that if i ever become desperately poor again, that i'd be able to handle it better the next time around... not that i wish to put myself in that position again.

But i will say another thing, despite my psychologically stable mind. I still believe money is the tool which entraps the weak and impoverished, to bend to the will of those with money. Misplaced value will still corrupt the mind of the deceived, and the deceiver will always reign as long as people buy into the illusion of capital importance. To me, it is not a crime to judge society and all of its worth based on how people put their values into what is overly suggested to them to accept as true. For example, to blindingly follow the law and believe that it means anything, surely concludes the fact that the law-abider does so under fear of the consequences of committing a crime. If perhaps nobody placed any faith in the law because the lawmakers themselves are hypocrites and abuse their power to pass laws which the majority of the people would have indeed denounced, then we would be stepping in the direction of popular dissent. To me, this is not only mindfully healthy, but what it rightfully granted under popular will, preached in such doctrines as the constitution. If the majority of the people remain passive in adulation of their rulers, they eventually suffer for remaining silent. The momentum of the lawmakers, and ignorance of the populace have already strengthened the lawmaker to a point where peoples' no longer attempt to argue, and remain ignorantly content. If you allow them more time, there will be a moment where another fascist government will surprise people and remind them of the necessary rebellious nature for which the country is based on, and perhaps at that time it won't be too late to take back the power from the power-hungry. I still find that at anytime where people continue to believe everything is perfectly chipper and rosy posy, their thoroughly brainwashed minds have another thing coming.

In light of this, my dream is still to live in a moneyless society whose emphasis on education governs the will of its populace. Someday i hope i live in such a place, but for now i have to survive another day without being detained for straying on the path of a non-propagandized path, having opinions which bend away from the political norm, with contempt for those with ignorant national pride and uniformity towards injustice.

Insanity in 2004 part 7


To better prepare ourselves for this task. Reading is our most important skill. We must read, write, and analyze the world around us and how it applies to literate people who are capable of change. We must use the devils own game against him. That is our only trick. Cunning like he is, we must infect him like the viruses he infects us with. As he talks about others terrorizing you, he terrorizes them and fools you. We must learn not to hate him, but at the same time, feel fully capable to take corrupted souls only in dead certainty that we must. God's will is to guide us with the truth. We know that a conman is the devil's favorite companion. He thinks like him in so many ways that ordinary people do not. But the wise man cannot be fooled. The wise man is analogous, and trained to see things the way the devil sees things. We must make friends with the souls we despise, and if we find them to be too corrupted to change things, we must explore within their minds to find out what they know and who they know. Eventually we can climb the chain of secrecy, and yank it to us. Only then will we find the beast within. We can be honest like we are, or if we have to lie, we must do it willingly against deceivers, so that we can convince them that we are like them. We must know what the devil knows, and not say "what can i do?" or "how will we get ahead?" Instead, we must sit back and let the answers come to us. God wants us to analyze like we do, and plan, collect, and diversify the message amongst those of us who are truly good people. For nonbelievers, we must be patient and let them think things through. Listen to the messages which are there if we allow ourselves to come to. Listen to the wind, listen to the ocean, and if that feeling you have is love, then you know you are listening correctly. Together we can gather, through the spirit of brotherhood. We must know however, that the devil has used technology that is beyond our understanding. We will not know of this technology untill we explore and share with eachother this technology. We must be patient, and fully understand every basic step of every unit of technology. We cannot go to school to do this. Rather, we can do it on our own. We must hide what we know, so that the devils troops cannot intrude and collect our wisdom. The devil listens, and the devil knows who you are when you use the internet, when you make a phone call, and when you reveal yourself in any manner. We must go to whatever measures, to bury much of the knowledge of truth that we know. We must use these ideas to expand upon other ideas. We will work with eachother, and realize that god is not one thing, but rather we are god split apart. We can build, let go of the life you know, and set yourself free.

-Mr. Anonymity

Insanity in 2004 part 6


Now for the people who do not yet believe in god, you don't have to change overnight, that is your choice. But what I must make clear to you at this point of my life is that there is god, and the devil, and they both exist. God exists within you, because you cannot conceive of a God on some higher level. Whatever god there is, he travels with you, and when you seek his guidance, the circumstances depend on how well your deeds are in order for your prayers to be answered.

God is the power you are given when you are born. You know you have his powers when you're an infant, but what you do not know, is exactly what the physical form of existence is, and from which past life you spawned from. You are given a chance over and over again to perform your best, but the devil's world around you is well maintained, and the battle against him can only be met with your fears of him. You bow down to the terror that he creates for you. If you are afraid to die, he loves that. If you learn to reject the devil's words, and start to learn the powers that you contain within you, you will be able to figure out things you never knew. About the world, the way it is, and the world in the way you'd like it. The devil's favorite people are those who don't believe in him. They serve as mechanisms of state, creating disastrous problems for other people. They are also quite well kept in their ways of thinking. I used to be an agnostic, and before that I was an atheist. It is actually quite natural to disbelieve in god, given the circumstances we are put in. We read about miracles and fantasies, and we know that some of the stories are untrue. What we don't know how to do is decipher from what is probably true from false, or which are put there as metaphors for the lessons we are to learn from. The idea that something is true is sometimes hard to believe, when physics and the spiritual realm fuse together, they create illusions for us to accept. What we are taught to accept (for most wise people), is that the universe is going to be the universe when we die, that we will never reach the stars, that life is but a shame until you die, and that you cannot change the system you are conformed into. That is where we go wrong. The stars were given to us, not to understand our limitations, but to know how infinite we are. God is there to guide you in your spirit, but when you are still undermined by the logic of the physical realm, then you are lost. There are a few forms in which god reveals himself to you. One form, gods favorite language, is love. If god as a whole, did not love you, then you wouldn't be protected from him by the natures of physics. When someone dies who we love, god sheds tears for us, so we can get through the experience of losing lives who could have helped us in our struggled lives. Our purpose the whole time, was to get over the evils we have within ourselves, and the more we learn how to do that, the more perfect we make ourselves for god, and the more perfect god becomes.

God as a whole
Now why do I say "god as a whole"? Because god is not one thing. Until you die, you won't realize that. It is in my view, that god split himself apart from himself, to more complexly differentiate those who reveals themselves as real in due time, and who uses their honesty and love for others, so that he can more identify what it is to be wise. God was not always wise, but as we learn, god learns. God has no limitation to his wisdom. He does however, have the power of foresight, and it is his will to include your spirit in an important individual when you are born and learn to accept the truth about him. It is how well you perform in life, so as to understand the differences in physical patterns of other people and things, to make the determination of what it is. God helped us understand the differences amongst people and things, but what he did not do, is tell you how to judge it. He gave you free will to do that. Now, the mutations in man are created naturally. From region to region on Earth, we are designed in all kinds of ways. Some to "serve god", or some to embrace him. Those who "serve god", are doing nothing of the such. They are actually being undermined by the devil in that trait. Since man evolves through physics, as god helps him do such, the devil continues to trick you with words, which are the concepts that evolution meets conflicts with the possibility of god. This is simply untrue. God made the circumstances from lesser species, so that you would be created as a human. God also had to create the universe, for the circumstances to allow themselves to follow the laws of the physical realm. He gave us however, some talents that we possess, which make some of us artists in our own ways. The way we use those talents is up to us, but we must first understand the devil, and the game the devil plays. The devil may not exist in human form, but his philosophy is all the needs to exist. All that needed to be done, was to let the devil exist in human form for one life, for all his nature to be revealed.

The Devil
In the bible, depending how you read it, you'll notice some stories in there that could not be true, nor can the words be all true. It greatly upset god, that the Romans used the bible as a tool of oppression. They criticized and murdered heretics. Not because it was wrong to disbelieve in god, some heretics couldn't believe in the fakery. The heretics were enslaved along with everyone, and knew that there were other ways to the world than the one they were exposed to. They didn't know how to express themselves to oppressors who called themselves priests, royalty, noblemen, or anything in between. The fact is, that religion was used against us. We will not know the true bible, nor will we know who Yeshua was until the Roman Empire decides to open its doors and let us see for ourselves. The Roman Empire never changed, they just transformed. The devil taught us to hate eachother, and understand classifications as his means to do that. How we are naturally, we will never know, because we rely on people who are under control of the government. Jewish people today are taught the wrong stories about themselves. They were and are still good people, because their scriptures are the closest to what is purely transcribed to us from peoples historical interpretations. Nevertheless, if the devil had picked on anyone to punish, he chose jewish people amongst all people, because they were the only ones to make a better life for themselves, through community. We are taught to distinguish jews from muslims, christians from jews, buddhist from hari krishna's, and all kinds of classifications. But there are only people amongst them all that worship one, and only one god. And they are right for doing so, but don't know that they should only worship themselves, because they are part of god also. They are also unaware that after the life we live, we live other ones on this planet. God wants to see if people have it within themselves to clean themselves of corruption, and that is why he gives you your angels to protect yourself from the devils angels.

The Modern world, and God and the Devil are opposed
When we die, we go to another realm of existence. We have a convention with wise spirits who god chose to play a role on Earth. When we die, only then will we remember our past lives. As the physical form of the universe applies to us, so does spiritual laws. We know sometimes, through instinct, what is right and wrong. We are swayed by the ways of man, to believe that we are free. We are indeed free of our will to accept oppression for the rest of human existence, but if we use the word freedom to describe ourselves while we are repressed from education and from advancing forward to our liking, then we will never truly be free. The devil uses his paper money, so that you will accept his rules and ideas. Some people who have not yet realized their importance in the afterlife, have concerned themselves too much with the world. They watch television to keep their minds occupied, go out and party with the devils money and values, and usually these people do not read enough to understand the nature of things. The devil is responsible for many of the creations we see on television, because he imprints himself on the souls of others who don't even know that his force is at the hand of it all. Every civilization has oppressors who don't even need to be taught about Satan, as long as they just use his arts to oppress people. Many oppressed peoples don't have hope, and they are learned to fear. Another term that is universal. FEAR. We need to know that fear is something god created first. God fears himself, and since Satan was created by him, God wants to learn what Satan is. Satan is quite powerful, but the yin and yang is taught us to believe that the battle is equal, however it is not. God has more followers, and will always be more powerful than Satan. But to use trickery and disuade the imagination of human beings, only to satisfy the lust of others who are truly good, only fools himself. Satan knows that some day his time will come to an end. And when oppression ends, only that will create what we deserve on this planet. What is that? Peace and love for eachother. God wants to separate what is fake and what is real, and that is why I believe his is helping me speak this message for him. What I am, is a helper of the good side of life. So I ask people, please embrace what I have to say, and I will say more. We will have to work together on this, share the knowledge to others, and love eachother, and eventually we will stop the devil at his game by using his own game against him. LEARN AND READ! And one more piece of advice.. Find god first, then prepare yourself for the dangers that lie ahead of you. Do this, then you will survive to help us fight off evil.


A smiling soul is amongst you, and will help us along the way.

-Mr. Anonymity

Insanity in 2004 part 5

Know the Trick of the Devil

My first spoken words, if they do anything, they will show you that all my first words are my words. Anyone who eventually copies my words to include their own, will only be misleading you of who I am. But of those who embrace my words and know for themselves that I am right. They will be able to write words like me. Words of purity and wisdom. If ever, the love virus i'm giving you, shall go around. There will be those who tag my name at the end of a new draft. You will whether I am the spoken truth when you hear my words, and decide for yourself. There could be no other way for Gods messengers to be given a reason to finally come out and help, other than the idea of complete anonymity. Any prophets who reveal themselves, are not prophets at all. They are only people who are trying to seek fortunes from my words. Ignore their pathetic attempts, and see only my words and the love of god. Eventually, we will triumph together. If you know who I am, do not reveal me. I will not reveal myself to you. I am still a man, in a body, and need to do like you do. Eat, sleep, drink, and think. You must take my words and spread them throughout the world via email, via paper drops, via speech, via CD's, via everything. KNOW THIS!!! Do not make money from my words, regardless of who you are. Just give money to the poor like i tell you to. They will know what to do with it, in due time. I requested to so many angels, who have been reluctant to return to Earth, to encompass your spirits, when you know the spoken word of truth. Eventually, it will be evident who is evil, and who is not. For those enlightened spirits, those who look at you in scorn, only look back and use your angels to battle them through the mind. They will not be able to do anything about it, because if they try, only to the deeper pits of hell will they fall to.

Know of the bible, but know that god is good. Many of the passages you read from any religion will give you hints of god's wrath. God is giving you a chance now, through the word of truth, to decide whether you are good or evil. If you finally realize that you are good, then you will know the words I speak is truth. You are going to have to speak this truth, and love one another the way I tell you. Be carefull about evil people though. Once they truly know they are evil, they won't have any love for you. They will do what they can to control you still. But once your mind is free from the physical realm, you'll know who these people are. I tell you now, PLEASE, help one another, and let the spirits guide you. Any calls you receive, or cries for help, god will tell you who is lying and who is not. Once you realize this, you will become powerful in both this physical existence, and in the afterlife. I'm going to trust that you will read my words, and then you will know who is who.

Insanity in 2004 part 4

To continue
The road that lies ahead of us is coming to an end. The bricks have been laid, and the footsteps we are to take on our journey are going to be the roughest. I have truly been blessed these past few weeks. Finding out how to better understand the internet which has led us from one bridge to the next with wisdom. I went from thinking I should be given some kind of power of using my intelligence, to becoming a truthseeker. Page to page, I was guided by so many spirits who have laid the words down, the obvious of course was when i found the website I inevitably found. I will not mention that for their own safety, but can only say to others that if they seek the truth, the truth inevitably finds them. Yesterday I wrote a speech, reaffirming my own opinions, wrote another speech based on the obvious flaws of our society, that smacks you in the face with obviousness. However, I decided for my own safety, that I will not be giving speeches. The god that exists within me knows that I have powers that go beyond that of a normal lived spirit of a human being. I have the knowledge of past lives, and using other life records such as speeches and texts, I can and will use it to better serve the human spirit on Earth. All the vices in society that have undertaken our lives, sometimes reveal themselves to us in so many ways. The more you notice, the more you can free your mind of the distorted realities in which you envision the world. It is easy for the ignorant to be that way, when they are taught to be slaves to their system of masters. The masters use trickery beyond the fool's comprehension, and the fool falls trap to the masters games time and again. I myself am not going to be tricked into playing the game the master wants me to play, because the trap is too enormous for so many of us to bear. I realized that the more we stay quiet about these issues, the more we can avert the devil master's cunning game. They believe that truth seekers will always make themselves known. They are wrong in assuming that position, and it is this message that I finally will construe to so many of the devils workers, that will make it all too obvious to good natured people.

How do you know you are working for the devil?
You know, because you pretend to be someone you are not, and feel trapped into his ways, even though you recognize what he does time and again. If you surrender to his will, you only make him stronger, and therefore he will take advantage of you, those you love, your children, and their descendents time and again. When you do lose hope, whatever circumstances that may help you step closer to god, you turn away from and see only green paper as the solution to your problems. When you give in, all you do is shed another tear from every oppressed natured spirit that either exists with you on the physical realm, or you make your personal angels distrust you and therefore lose faith in you only to help others who need them. Roles in society that the devil best serves are priests,lawyers,judges,doctors,politicians, and businessmen. Any case where you lust for the ambition you seek, you will only be stepping that much closer to the hell you will be created in. Your life will prove to be a waste of time in the long run, while we all will know the truth when it hits us so hard that many of us won't know how to face the fears when it presents themselves.

What religion is the correct one?
Simple fact, there is no religious philosophy that can better serve the lord than the one you make for yourself. It is a benevolent gesture to humble yourself and assume that god will reveal itself in its own ways or styles. More often than not, you have no time to observe god in your everyday life, and your misguided faith has been set in stone because the immoral nature of society has forced it on you, and your incompetence only nullifies to the point of irrelevance. You do not know how to embrace god when you play the devils games, and often you are forced to agree with the nature of the devil before your honest opinions. The devil is a cunning deceiver, and you are his prey. When you realize this, you are overthrown into turmoil, laughed at by the devil, especially when you help him satisfy his wishes so well. However, when you determine the rights and wrongs in society, and you are not afraid to face the fears that you will be met with, and you work hard to ensure everyone that money is the root of all evil, only then will you be closer to the god you are, who is inside all of us, aside from our physical human form. We all have differences when it comes to physics, or opinions and ideas. But when it comes down to it, we need to refix the immoral natures we are imprinted with. On the level of understanding, if we are gifted with seeking fortunes through ideological fashion, then we play our role in the heavenlike state on Earth that we so desperatly seek. Our most common fear is to change the devils system we are in, because once we find out that he really exists on Earth,(and trust me, he does..In multiple human forms), Only then can we participate in taking him down. One thing that most religions have in common, is the wisdom to preach truth. If we are true with ourselves and those around us, it only makes it that much more easier for us to give up the life of ignorance, and realize that many words and actions are only our proposed imaginations that we take it upon ourselves to create.

Who are your masters, or rather, "authorities"?
Your masters are voluntary participants in the devils game. Throughout history they have led you through the agonies of torture, regret, and insufferable amounts of anguish when if you had the time to study them, they are very simple creatures in their own ways. Many doctors aren't really the practioners they set themselves out to be when they only go through a repetative procedure and make false ideas that you cannot understand. Neither are the lawyers who use a devils book of manmade laws, to punish the oppressed in the majority. The judges are outspoken hypocrites, who know only for themselves whether they could judge themselves to the same scale they measure others. Then there are the devils favorite people, although never the most wise, nevertheless most important in the systems conception. Businessmen! Businessmen must exist to serve the pyramid like system of capitalism that is only an idea that they would like you to fully give into. Businessmen know to what measures we should bow and surrender to them under. Throughout history, before Africans were brought into America to be slaves, the slave practice was rampant throughout Europe. The masters, who may be king or queen, asserted their right to rule the masses through bloodlines. They only needed others to expand their ideas with, so they used whatever history they could gather in order to practice their vices. They knew they were wrong, yet it was the only logical and present solution to them, as they were convinced in their own superiority that they were rulers, when they in fact were the devils creation. The devil was quite tricky when he used names as a mechanism to clone others in part of the same system. If one wasn't trained to despise the devil, one would almost have to admire how well a job he did when he invented classifications, that distinguished one serf from another. The devil was even more ingenious when he used the obvious physical differences... the color of ones skin. The devil's trickery was awarded overtime, as he used religion as his main tool of oppression. To flip around religion and create distortions, and to get inside the minds of the weak, one would have to shun and suppress the masses. As the masses must be controlled through ingenius methods of brainwashed education, the devil kept going in his certainty that he'd win time and again. It is so obvious that you can only go so far, until there are those few who god created humble and wise in their own manner, while observant and understanding in other ways, that they would be the saviors of humanity who will try to banish back to hell, the devil who thought they went unoticed. The devil treats these immortal enemies as maliciously as he can, not knowing that in some ways, the devil only makes them stronger. He gives them messages, only to be transcribed to those who need them. The circumstances that meet the challenges of the messengers, only are matched by whatever left the devil has of his classification method of observance. He will try to lie to the masses, to distort reality in which he sees fit. He will suppress culture, imprison the masses, and reinforce his methods through the arts of terror and confusion. It is the only thing left he has, to instate terror on those who have been learned to fear their master. But in grows a wise man, only to one day discover that god is with us all, and cannot be stopped unless we let him. Must the devil hide in his nuclear safe bunkers? Or will he reveal himself, so that we can replace his system with a system of our own. My answer is, probably not. The devil has always been cunning, artistic, and how like an animal in his selfish ways has been so afraid to tell the truth. Sometimes god forces him to tell the truth, and that is why god created the internet. For us to share our love for eachother, and embrace with one another while we still have life here on this Earth. Our struggles will be overcame if we just involve ourselves with a common cause, only to expand our ideas with others and other and others. If god did not teach us how much we have in common with eachother, aside our physical differences, then we did it on our own. That is because, we share god's power when we teach ourselves to become like him. Each soul in each creature on Earth has been designed to play a role, to learn, teach and live. We must live and also learn how to better prepare ourselves for the violence that the devil has within himself. He will lash out most certainly, but if defend ourselves, and know when to spot him, he won't know exactly how to handle himself when the judgements are made against him.

On this Earth
This time spent on Earth. It is in my belief that god gets bored sometimes. He makes the circumstances happen where such a planet is crafted. He puts his spirit in everything, even in air. The problem all your life is that you are taught that you are just a lowly human being, and he is your master and that he's prowling on you. What you are taught is wrong. You must understand that you yourself can only play a role to take the devil down if you choose to. Thats your choice though, and yours alone. If you were to ask me how, I would tell you to do more research to confirm the truths I found, and compiled me together as god would have wanted me to. Sooner enough, there will be less ignorant people, more evident satanists, and more evident rebels. They must not believe, but KNOW that this is the nature of things. We let ourselves be slaves, only because we are too ignorant to see alternatives. We see signals, when the pyramids are structured in satanist wisdom. We realize we could be whoever we want to be, if we choose. So my answer is simple. Do not show my message to anyone you believe might be working for satan. The higher up the chain of command you climb, the more and more obvious that those on the top are working desperatly to fulfill their destiny to a New World Order. The only way to change that, is not to participate in the events and circumstances they create to let us go there. There time will come to an end soon enough, and the more we realize that Osama Bin Laden is not so much a terrorist, than he is a good thinker who holds a lot of moral truths that many of us hadn't witnessed because we haven't looked for the truth. The more we realize that Bush is not their leader, and never really was, and just a puppet like everyone knows instictively. The underground US government is where the devils hand stirs the pot. The faster we know about these people, the faster we can stop them. Some of us who observe the truths about the nature of human knowledge, will tell you to all that we do know, and not all that we can know. The secret to walk inside god's door is to learn the truth. If we do that, we will be evil's greatest enemy. I will offer advise like, trust your instincts. Trust the conspiracies, and know that the devil's trickery is a game only played by masters. He will combine words like conspiracy and theory, to make us foolish enough to believe that all conspiracies are in fact theories. It is his use of language and brainwashed agendas, that has kept the eye on us and manipulated us as he sought fit. He preaches nonviolence, and tells you god wants you to be nonviolent. But since you don't know god, you don't know that god wants you to do whatever means you can, to battle the violent and ignorant masses that will be coming at you in the name of the devil. You must be cunning and manipulative like god wants you to be. You must not reveal yourself to the satanic cult, because the more you do, the more they'll ask you to get involved, knowing the truths you know. They like to watch people who are against them, and they are amused to see if people are actually capable of challenging them. It is the way you challenge them, that will be the right way. You have to deceive Satan like he decieves you. You have to be brilliant, and a strategist. You have to use his own game against him. The sooner you know the truths about the world, the sooner we can get these battles over with, and the sooner we will build remarkable structures and devote interests into everyones problems to help them achieve solutions. God wants us to do that, that is why we're here on Earth to play a role to better serve humanity. We are all alike in our souls, but if we corrupt our souls with evil, we will be destroyed. Our only effort at peace will be to listen to what i said, go over it again and again and realize that it is the key i hand you, to unlock the power of knowledge and wisdom. We are all wise once we walk through the door, and our minds are our most powerful when we associate them with others. Yeshua Bin Yosef long ago, knew he was not god, but unravelled the powers of wisdom when he philosophised for so many years, (not reported in the bible for a reason), and when he learned the truths of humanity, he knew that the devil was in living in the Roman army. He did not know what to do for so long, until eventually he tried the best he could, and was ridiculed by the ignorant. His disciples knew the truths, and not all of them are spoken in the bible. He knew, as the muslims know now, that he was only a man, and that God's will is his will. The devil, like the US government, blacks out the truth like a US classified document. Wise people would know that, if there was anything to hide, the "anything" to hide, is hidden for a reason to crush the truth. We also occupy our lives with other simple things, so that we don't have to discover the truths that are so obvious, only if you knew. We need to talk to eachother more about these things, and the more we believe in the truth, the more we will happily discuss it with eachother. The more honest we'll be, and the less fearful we will be. Let us discover and understand these truths together, and I as a good spirited human being, will reveal to you who I am when you look for me. I am not anything more than a man who realized the truth in time. The more we realize from obviousness, money is something the government creates, and trusts we believe in. It is only this trust in money that will help him fulfill his devious intentions against us. We will have to search for the truth, and only for the truth in this time on. We have to know that we all are prophetic in some ways, and we have to use our prophetic skills to get only that much closer to to the devil's lair, and close the books he throws at you, including those of his laws and moneys. Brothers and Sisters, we need to teach the truth to our other brothers, regardless of age, color, or however intelligent they believe themselves to be, not to believe in the government, and to do what they must to slam it down to the ground to no end, so that they can never try to spawn up again. Yes, this means, by any means necessary. If you want yourself to be alive at the end, you must do this. Some of our older brothers and sisters did what they could in their lives, so we must not blame them for not noticing these things earlier. They were never exposed to the internet as we are now exposed to. The answers are all there if you look to find them. Only then will you walk the path of righeous men. Let us succeed in our mission, and believe the prophetic words I tell you now so desperatly, even though the exposure could mean my life.

This is the word of a good brother who lived a good life, and hopefully i'll be around a little longer to help us realize our dreams, so that the order of a new system can be molded to better serve the interest of everyone, instead of only a few important people who worship the devil.

-Mr. Anonymity

Insanity in 2004 part 3

As for Mr Icke and False Prophets

Mr. Icke talks of the comings of false prophets. The bible tells the comings of prophets that are false. The truth for everyone to discover, is that Icke works desperatly for Satan, to try and trick you into Satan's game. Its a lure my friends. Satan is wise at his own game, and others who know truly who Satan is, will know a few things about this force of evil. One thing, he told Mr. Icke to write, is that 99 percent of all religions are true, and 1 percent is false. Satan knew that i'd find out his little battlecry. As for Icke and those he works for, he and them are going to come to an end. If this man who writes books, and is making money off of them is going to convince you of anything, he'll convince you that he's a capitalist before he's anything else. Those who work for Satan know that they don't have much more time on Earth, and it is their calling to shun the weak and terrify them till the end of existence. Satan's tricky logic will prove to be a failure in the end. As will the bible and most religious fantasies. Do not persecute Icke, let him come forward and reveal himself for who is actually is. Then we'll know who he works for.

Know yourself
Follow your hearts, and know that the bible as it is written is fantasy. Yeshua helped craft a new bible, and Mohammad did everything he could to try to recraft it. Only the oppressed peoples will truly know how sincere my message is to you. I am doing everything I can to help us find our true selves. One thing I know for certain, I was once here over and over again just like all of you lovely souls, but I know that my part is not to help people praise me, or anything in that fashion. Rather, know for certain that your destiny is to know the truth, before it is too late. Trust people when they tell you about religion, because in fact, most religions tell parts of the truth in their own ways. Buddhism tells you about past lives. Mohammad used the method of anonymity, just as I am using for you. Judaism tells you much of the stories in the torah, but what they don't tell you is that much of what they wrote was also recrafted. So many religions tell so many stories, but only one religion, the religion of understanding TRUTH about the world around you, you'll know that i'm right. The sooner you have it, the sooner you can manipulate yourself with the pains of life. You will walk more, you will write more, you will do EVERYTHING MORE. You can quit any drug, amongst other things.

Who we truly are
We all have within us, the spirit. The physical realm is god's creation, and the other realm can only be understood when we fulfill our purpose on Earth. And I trust you understand, we all have a purpose. You have, when you are born, so many angels that love and understand you better than anyone in your physical family. Your blood is only liquid, and the genes that are inside you are manipulated through evolution, a process which all life undergoes. Our physical form is manipulated cleverly by the devil. God created the negative force, which we call Satan, and he was given powers both in the physical realm, and the spiritual realm. You ask why? Because Satan has powers like god, which play a role to extract the negative and positive values of who god is. God is not a single entity. God is a collection of entities, in which we are all given special powers in heaven, so that order is maintained through good nature. God gave us his wisdom to become gods in his own like, which some of us find out, and some do not. Those of us who give up our religion so quickly, do so because we are helpless of our surroundings, and what we don't know, we cannot understand until we do know. What do you know? You know nothing first. Then you know something. Then you know a little more than something, until you just keep on absorbing information until eventually you'll know that god is real, god is good, and god is the only power that can win in any circumstances.

Satan is ill equipped, and is going down regardless
Satan wants a fight? Well he has one! The sooner people wake up and see the truth, that we must love eachother in order to find the truth. Once we have the truth, we must keep finding out more of the truth. Eventually your angels will help guide you, so you will just let go of what you think you know about the world, and become enlightened. Mohammad was enlightened, Yeshua, Gandhi, Bob Marley, Mozart, Elijah, and so many more. I myself have finally become enlightened. But i know one thing, we are all capable of this enlightenment. You just have to surrender yourself of the physical world that you are in. You must realize that paper money is not worth the paper it is written on. Realize that nuclear bombs exist only to go off. Realize that the news you see on television, is only designed to give you subliminal messages to go out and murder people, when they put out such reports. Realize that racism is an art created by the devil, never truly mattered to some people who were not foolish enough to buy into it, but was only added to enslave us humans. Eventually you'll realize that alternatives that could have been used for so many of the things we use. We drive off gasoline, which we the US government steals from the Middle East. While the Middle East sits and awaits its fate, not so understanding of who we truly are, and what our role is to play while here in this physical existence.

Love is all we have, so let us its language
Now it is time to truly embrace eachother. Like no other time on Earth, we now have some of the truths i'm giving to you now. As for me, i'm only here to help serve you of the knowledge you will be using to find the path to wisdom. I ask you, that when you find wisdom, you use it to perform miracles within your own mind. Yes, that is the only miracle you can create. Unlike what the bible tells us, our own mind is our only true existence that we know of. We'll know that corruption is still at hand, and that others are not enlightened as you will be when you know the truth. You must give up your false idols, (actors,politicians,etc.) only to know who is who by spiritual form only. Eventually, if you read enough, you will come across more information than I give you now. I am only here to jumpstart your human potential. Embrace my words, and not me, because I will not reveal myself to you until the afterlife. You will not know my spirit until you read more about everything there is to know! God wants it that way, and that is why he is giving us more time on Earth to prove that we are good, and Satan's imperfections are bad. Once you know the truth, all that is will cease to exist to you. You will embrace god, and know that you have nothing to fear, but the human emotion your soul is born with. Emotion is something that your soul will never lose, even in the afterlife. Your brain is only a physical entity, from which you store your memories. It is not much more than that. Your angels are your guides. And you will need to use them to fight off evils, and you will also need to arm yourselves such as the angels are arming themselves against Satan's legions. When the battles are over, you will still know the truth, and will have peace here on Earth. If you die for a good cause, you will only be reborn again into someone special the next time around. The more you trust my words, the closer you will see that I learned to be honest a while ago. I was less perfect, and in many ways, am still imperfect. But i'm learning more and more everyday now that I know what I know. You will know too. But first, I ask you to do something many of you wish not to do. READ!!!

The power of Reading
READ READ READ READ, the internet is still in existence for us to READ and explore. When you find out who Satan is, you can destroy him. You will go to the ends of the Earth if you have to. Destroy him you must. Trust all languages, and tell other people of other languages what I tell you now, if you have that power. Be guided on your enlightened gifts once you have them. Then you cannot be destroyed, because god won't let it happen. Any evil force that gets in your way will be punished severely, even thinking about fooling around with god's children. Know this as well... Yeshua was born of man 2000 years ago from this year. Romans fool you to believe that Yeshua was born on the year 0. In fact for some of you who are discovering truths, Yeshua was born 4 B.C., and was not born on Christmas day. Whatever facts we may know about Yeshua, will be discovered if you seek them to the ends of the Earth. Yeshua was only a man, like me, you and everyone. Yeshua didn't believe, or think, but he KNEW there was a god. As did so many other prophets who reveal themselves in so many ways. Yeshua used his angels well, and eventually he was found by the Romans, because they beat the answers out of people. They were brutal, and they still are. Only now, they are not Rome, but rather, well... you know who. You figure it out. I'm just here to guide you. :)

Of Osama Bin Laden
Know this. Anything out of the ordinary, the devil will be aware. He will get mad, and trick you. He will use a lot of tricks. Anything I say to you, he will use it against me. But there's a few things you ought to know. Osama Bin Laden, is not an enemy. The reason he is still alive, is because angels are helping him stay alive. If you only look for the truth, you will see. If you look for Osama with intentions of knowing who his spirit is, and not who his physical form is, you'd know that he is the opposite of a terrorist. You'll also find out that he was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. This was prophecized long ago, but rewritten and described to you through the arts of evil. You'll know that this man does not hate anyone, nor does he want to kill the masses of people here. He is confused a little in the ways of the world, but his spirit is wise. You will need to know this, amongst other things. I know this, and you will have to know this too. God will protect Osama, and not Sadam.

Of Sadam Hussein
You'll discover that Sadam is on trial, but is he really on trial? The devil loves him so much, that he lets everyone know that Sadam is suffering and came out of a "rathole". But what they don't tell you is that Sadam is a genocidal participant, and "you know who" is responsible for what he has become. He may not truly be an evil spirit, but he is praised by them. You must know, that in Sadam's limited knowhow, he was able to be used by the devil so knivingly, that we will never truly know this man or his intentions. If you observe how he wears suits to court, with a clean cut.. you will know that this man is not suffering. Not by a long shot. That is why you must separate what is real and what is fake, on your own intuition, once you find God. Don't look for God, just let him find you. When you read, read with this in mind. Our physical existence doesn't mean much. When you eventually learn to become enlightened, you'll know that fear is irrelevant, because you have so many angels to protect you. So many angels possess so many talents. They are knowledgable of the past, present, and future. They will help you

Who am I?
This is the word of "not the lord", but of a man, reborn and reincarnated like all of you. Those of us reincarnated in man, are for the most part, god's favorite people. Especially today. Those who are still working for the devil, are behind closed doors. FIND THEM NOW, while we still have time. Do not torture them, just know who they are. They have gifts you cannot even imagine, because evil people are just as wise as the true benevolent ones. Find them, and trap them. If it is discovered who they are, then you can use them to tell you who others like them are. Do not punish them. We can work with these people now, to discover all the evil sources they possess. Then revealed, we will only separate who is fake, and who is real. Please eat that which you know will not be intoxicated, because we are told now that they are to infect our foods. Do not let it happen. We may exist in the physical realm, but the laws that apply in this realm, still apply regardless. You will have to take whatever precautions to what you eat for now on. I will not give you any ideas, because the devil will use it against you. I beg you to please quench my words like a sponge, and you will know everything there is to know, in due time. I promise you that!

-Mr. Anonymity

2004 insanity part 2

There is no god but god

The reason why the muslim religion was able to last so long without knowing the truth, is because many muslims were misguided by the arts of man's craft. The truth of the matter is, they have within their religion many signs of the end of the devil. However, once again.. They misunderstand that there is a lot missing, that can only be explained when we die. That god is not one god, but a collective of spirits. There are some spirits whose powers are extreme, and some whose powers are meak and simple. It was god's will to allow these spirits to meander the Earth. God, being the collective as I said, of these spirits. But God is only a collective of good spirits. All other spirits who are revealed to him, are tricked and deceived. It comes down to this. Who comes up to the plate, and is ready to take a swing? Is it God or the Devil? Answer: It is both. They are in constant struggles with one another. Angels can't stand the fact that people need to be reborn over and over again until God makes his determination of who is an evil soul, or who is a positive one. The positive ones are reborn into human kind, and God gives the evil ones another chance each time again and again, to prove themselves whether they are worthy to rule in the physical realm. The next time around, that God will create us, he will let those who challenged us in end, be cast off to Satan. And yes, Hell could be a word best used to describe this. Anyone who is evil, and has evil intentions when we must battle, will be cast off to hell. Satan as well, thinks he's clever enough to get away with his immoral nature. However, god made Satan from his own image, only to let the world know in due time, how insignificant he is, and how he will be NOTHING after God is done with him. We will not shun him, because after we prove ourselves worthy to be in the higher order in heaven, one of our methods of becoming what we are to become, is to not hate your enemy, but rather to KNOW him. When you KNOW him, he will reveal himself in so many ways. You have to be cunning like him, in order to get to him. You cannot quit your jobs. You must make it look as if everything is going to plan. When he is ready to pull the switch to end mankind, it will be then, your decision to stop that which is to happen, before it happens. I'm not saying that you will be able to get to Satan by playing his own game. But rather, you will know yourself first, then others. Then others will know others. Then they will know almost everyone, until eventually the devil is snared. When the devil is found, in the physical world. It will be known that he is only a philosophy in which man created for himself to rule unjustly. That he punishes the weak, and buries his shames with the arts of fantasizing religion. He uses people to convince other people they are nothing but mere objects in reality. He lets people believe there is a difference between church and state, which is untrue. The state is the church, and vice versa. One could not exist without the other. The state oppresses, and the church copes with the oppressed. It happens time and again, from one life to the next. Anyone who challenges the devil, is severely punished, if they do not have god to protect them. But once you know yourself, and know others, you will see that feelings are irrelevant. This includes being cold, hot, or whatever other feelings of emotion you may have. Once you have control of all this, you could, and will be our hope to save ourselves from their devious plans. Don't you ever turn your back on religion, and if you have already, READ READ READ, like I said before. And you will know the truth, that there is a god, and you are part of him. To convince yourself that this is untrue, will be to side with evil. If you consider yourself too old, too blind, too this or that. You will have to get within your own mind forcefully, and to no end. And GET THE TRUTH out. Speak the truth to others. STOP LYING. STOP BLAMING. STOP COMPLAINING. And just speak what you truly believe. That you love everyone else, because you know they are all spirits like you are. And with this knowledge, you will be unstoppable. There are enough angels to help you battle Satan. A lot of them have been waiting for a while, but now are here to help you as they help everyone who is here. Free your minds now, and when you set yourself free, you will have gifts you did not know you had. Use these gifts wisely. For this life, it may be your only gift you have left. Go out and love eachother, and embrace yourselves. Meet with eachother, and know eachother better. Get over the vices you are exposed to, and the virtues will be limitless. If the internet shall ever go off, that will be a sign of what is coming next. And you know of that becoming. So please do what you must.

-Mr. Anonymity

I was insane when i wrote this in early 2004

Everything Happens For a Reason

And for whatever reason we feel that those reasons are wrong, it is not true. Everything happens to everyone for a reason. As we are motion, down to the smallest particle, it is this motion that we call time. Einstein was right when he discovered this, and he knew the laws of nature, like he knew there was a god. IN FACT, if he didn't believe there was a god, he wouldn't have ever concluded this. It takes a holy man to be a brilliant man. If for whatever reason you are brilliant, and unholy, you will notice a few things about yourself that you'd never know before. For one thing, you'll notice that you are not really brilliant at all. Most of the things you know are copied into your mind from someone elses ideas. When you are young, your mind is uncorrupted, and it is easier to learn these ideas, such as language. Take time for instance, to realize this.


If you are a student. I ask you now. Follow your heart. Look at that paper that the words are written on. Don't look at the words. Just realize that the paper is immaterial existence. That means, only you and the paper exist. Put it into your mind, that there are ideas written on this paper. Some of the ideas may be true, and some false. When you find a nice quiet place to study, see in your mind, only you and the paper. Everything else on your mind is just confusion trying to erupt you. Now enpicture into your mind that words are not anything other than pieces of material that you need to collect. You need to scoop up these words, and as you do, picture the image the words represent, and not the logic of the way they're put together. For myself to find god, this was just one of the many things I needed to do. Now if you're confused, try again. The world around you is fake, and only your spirit is real. Your spirit never forgets, but if you let your physical world take control of you, then this will not work correctly. These words are mere objects written on paper, and the sooner you understand this, the sooner more of these words will come as clear to you, as they are to me. As you continue this method of study, know that there are a lot of liars out there. These liars throw at you whatever ideas consume them, and they like to grease up their opinions as to make themselves look better than who they actually are. Instead, they know that all they're doing is belittling those who don't possess the knowledge of most words to understand such literature. If you are one of these people, I ask you to have love for yourself, and think from the complex words you like to use, and write more simpler and honest for now on. Only then, will you truly know why I say these things.


Look for the most hopeless people on the street. Look at the money that you're given. Know that it is only paper, and those who control this paper will always control you and everyone else. To love others is more important than anything we have left. The most hopeless spirits, have been tormented by the ways of the world. They grew up pure, and everywhere they looked, they were in chains. Now mayor Bloomberg may have told you that we should put homeless people on a cruise, as you will discover as you read, but if it were up to me, each and every homeless person is our best friend. They ask for money, because they know the ways of the world, and don't want to be in it. All they truly need is food, clothes, and shelter. For you to deny them this, because you would rather go out and put toxins in your bodies, you are only feeding the hand of the devil with cigarettes,beer,drugs, and other things. But even that is denied to them from you who does not love them. I ask you to put your thoughts away in your pocket, and the next time you dig into your pocket... I'd like you feel that paper that you pull out of it. Feel it in your hand, and rub it around a little. Do not look at it. Just know that it is just paper. The same paper you use to cleanse yourself of the toxins that pour out of your body. So when you realize to yourself, which it may take a while to do, know that these homeless people are your friends. That the paper that which you read, may show you that a man was killed for giving money to a poor man recently, but they do not tell you how the devil had to do with that crime. Learn to reject what you see on the News, and only know for yourself what you see in your hearts. I know you will progress.

For those who are homeless

No one understands you like me. I chose for myself, to try to live like you for a while. But god had other plans. As I hit rock bottom, not caring who or what gave me money, I realized that money is not important. It is the resources that you collect, it is the matter for which you consume to sustain your physical existence. You've been told all your life that homeless people are bums. You have been told that learning to survive off of shelter is wrong, and that everyone with a good job is right. Know that they are wrong, and you are right. I love you more than you can ever know, because you are still uncorrupted in some ways, by the ways of the world. If you have tried and failed at every desperate attempt to succeed, know that it happened for a reason. I myself am not anything more than a man, like you. Except, I know more now, and I haven't known what i knew all my life. But i'm only beginning to learn new things every day. Each day that goes by in the days to come, you will realize the unimportance of money. You will see how much more those around you, will love you more. If i've been put on this planet for any reason, it was only to wake up one day and help you and everyone around you. We have to start from the bottom up, not top to bottom. The wealthy are trained to be corrupted in the ways they are, but they will learn soon, that they are not nearly as special as you.

For those who copy my words

Know that my words are a love virus. They are going to help us get our message throughout the world. To help everyone know that God exists, and to help them KNOW, that we must protect ourselves from evil. Malcolm X was right in one thing. By any means necessary! This is because he loved other people so much, and only wanted to see them succeed. He didn't have the answers, but before he died, his hate was dying too. He learned to love everyone, and he preached brotherly love. He knew that he was going to die young, and the same day he died, he knew it was going to happen. He didn't tell anyone, but for those who knew him, they will tell you that the impression they received from him was, that his time was done. I read this man's life well, and know that his hatred for spirits he saw as white people, was never really hatred at all. He was given the many words to speak when he was in the Nation of Islam. When he finally didn't want to lie anymore, he went to Africa and explored the ways of the world besides his own. What he saw of course, was that holy spirits are everywhere. Most of them exist all over the world, scattered amongst the people we call poor. They live their lives humble, and honest, and they are only loved more because of it. It is now our calling to embrace these people. If the borders shall close and tighten, know that the devil is using his trickery to keep it that way. I ask you to please please, let your spirits guide you. If you are ignorant to my words, then you will never truly know how to walk in peace on Earth. If you do not want peace with others, then you must find a way to convince yourself that the peace is within you, and that you just have to shuvel away the hate, and you will reach it. Its the love that encompasses us all. We will succeed as we work together. I also must tell those who know me, do not reveal me. That will be between you and me on a spiritual level. I ask everyone to copy my words around everywhere, so that Mr. Anonymity will become a household name, spoken of with love and understanding. If any other emotions consume you, it will be because evil spirits surround you. Know this. Trust me, and the more you know about this, you can ask for an angel to battle the evil spirits. In time, you will learn how much love you actually have within you. And God is that love, and you will be god, and use his angelic forces as you see fit.

-Mr. Anonymity

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Whats good fams.. First blog

Hey whats good fams. Lemme tell you a lil about me first.

Gonna be 26 years old in a few days, november 29.

Some quirks about myself,

Studying to be an electrical engineer, but my demeanor is sidetracked by alternative obstacles. I do have the tendency to be quite unorganized some days, but very organized on other days. Typically if I don't have anything extremely important, like a due date on some kind of work.. i put it off till the last minute.

That's not to say that i'm not talented. Honestly, i have a gift of being extremely committed to something when i really want it, and I will go many hours on end until i get the job done. I also hold true to my convictions. If i feel strongly about something, i let other people know it. If they don't take advice from me, or they argue with me, i'll be reasonable in proving my point. But if they get aggressive with me, i can really go blow for blow with whatever they throw at me.

Specifically, what do i want to accomplish in my life?

Well, after i graduate, if a job is on the horizon for me, I will attempt to work for a year or so, and when i accumulate 35 thousand dollars, I feel that is enough to call it quits for the United States. I have done my research on the place i live, and the more you learn, the more you despise. I don't dislike the people of the United States, I basically dislike the US government, and most state governments. They are intolerable, unfair, inflexible, callous, and quite stupid if you look at their decisionmaking schemes from many generations in the past.
I'm an anarchist. I believe that localized communities of people whose shared ideas, shared wealth, and shared power will solve all the problems in the world. It is obvious that the United States does not have enough people who have the capability to understand that, because they have been engulfed in a system of mal-education and propaganda. If there's anything the United States knows how to do well.. it is to set the minds of its inhabitants in such a way where patriotism and lack of understanding of its systems of centralized power with law, government, and power, has done them a diservice incapable of repairing itself. Even some who realize how little they know, aren't willful enough to try new things. Those who do know the process would rather investigate the dangers of, or even go as far as to criticize any alternatives before criticizing the nature of its own systems. However way you look at it, the US isn't a place where anarchists can thrive. There are many anarchists in the United States, but they are also quite misconstrued in my opinion. Their objectives, though noble in intention, have to do squarely with fighting the system of government in their own country. My objective is to start a new local system in a country which overlooks anarchist type communities, or perhaps may even support them in trade.

My ideas on an anarchist community. I believe in finding a land mass suitable for settlement, where all aspects of an optimal setting would be considered. The landmass would have to contain natural resources that are exploitable for the population to use for building architecture, metal scraps, and optimal crop consideration. The first settlers would consist of welders, electronics technicians and electricians, architects, carpenters, agricultural scientists, teachers, tailors, and physicians. All other aspects of modern community service would be helpful, but manageable by all in the temporary phase.

Step 1: Tents, waste management, food, water, and planning.
In this step, planning will include geographical mapping of the village, using grids and markers for optimal agricultural locations. The drawing board for architecture will be first step. Lumberjacks, welders/blacksmiths, brick makers, and carpenters will all scout the local resources in attempt to produce enough material for building.

Step 2: The first foundational construct will be a few town halls with many rooms, that which can accomodate all the settlers who need temporary shelter. These large buildings will contain huge lecture rooms to embody all the villagers.

Step 3: Now to understand the wants and needs of villagers, there will be several templates of home construction available. Villagers will be allowed a standard temp structure for their private housing. They also will have the option to make a duplex if it is built for two, and so on, if it is avail for more people. There is a catch... they will need to participate in the building process of others if they wish to have their own home. The more they participate in the construction of other homes, it will be known, and they can actually extend the size of their own homes with this recognition of gift credit. However there will be absolutly no value of any type of posessions of any kind. All clothes, and resources will have absolutly no value, therefore money will never be able to exist in a community like this.

Step 4: After some time, when people have built their own homes. There will be courses of study which will be voted for by town meetings. Those study topics which grab the attention of the majority will be taught in a lecture, and those study topics which are not voted for, may be studied independently by its proposer. Lecture sessions will exist without a centralized authority, however there will a rotating moderator who will govern the timing and lecture bulletin focus from class to class. Each moderator who is chosen will be given time to design the alotted time, pick from amongst the topics they find to be most interesting, and when the time calls for it, express their own opinions objectively. Of course they will be revolving, so there will never be the same lecturer or lecture topic consecutively, unless the class votes unanimously for it.

Step 5: Scholars who prove their worth will be recognized and their theories or experiments will have some scholarly credit towards community development. Their achievements will give them the leverage to write on themes of their own work for community journals which will be freely available on electronic messages on the town's website. Although they will not actually have the power to decide for other people, if certain projects will be developed, their ideas are power enough to give them some leeway in the possibility of the townspeople to vote in favor of their project.

Step 6: To recognize the negative aspects of the world and humanity, the community must confront the possibility of acts of violence, and determine the outcome for those who committ hostile acts of a corrupt nature. The theme here is to imagine a scenario where there are no laws but universal ones. For example, to beat someone else for no reason, or to murder or rape someone. Acts such as these call for a serious response. Perhaps there will be an enlightened way to deal with minor acts of hostility, but serious violent acts will need to be discussed amongst townspeople on how to deal with such. It is important to note that unspeakable acts of murder may require a facility where one who takes anothers life is sent permenantly. This facility would be humane, but at the same time would continually remind the condemned of the person who they decided to end the life of, and show them the benevolent acts and ambitions of the victim, and how the family or friends associated with the victim will never be the same from the loss. This person will need to be tested on a regular basis, and if the community should find it in their heart to forgive, the person could be granted anything from, more ammenities in their housing, to release from the holding facility.

Anyway, these are some basic ideas to reconstruction on my version of society. I have many more ideas, but as you can see, many ideas are based off of modern society, and many are different, but all my ideas lack power to authority, money, and laws. Law should be expunged from society in order to focus in on more important scientific research. Some brilliant minds who waste their life away studying law, do so because of money, which will also be erased from this society. Police will also not be useful in this society, which goes hand in hand with lack of authority. If there are universal laws, such as.. dont' committ murder and don't rape, and don't act violently towards others. If those laws aren't followed, the community will warrant a response from people, and if it became necessary, some certain volunteers would create a system where it might require obtaining criminals by force. These people would by no means be police officers, but volunteers who fill the shoes of this dangerous task.
The world would certainly benefit from attempting such a system... I will attempt to provide further options for this imaginable world. If i get good responses for it, I may even be tempted to realize it. I seek opinions and comments on the prospect, and if you'd like to realize it with me, I can get started in a few years...